MMG Limited is a global resources company which explores, develops and mines base metal deposits around the world.

We are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under Stock Code: 1208.

With copper, zinc and other significant base metals in our portfolio, we operate in Peru, Laos, Democratic Republic of Congo and in several states of Australia.

Our Rosebery mine located on Tasmania’s west coast has been and still is an important part of the regional economy and social fabric of Tasmania’s north-west coast.

It has operated continuously since 1936 and currently has a mine life that extends to 2023.
The mine has the capacity to produce approximately 900,000 tonnes of ore a year, which is then processed into zinc concentrate, lead concentrate, and gold and silver doré. It also produces a small amount of copper concentrate

Our major development projects include Dugald River, a high grade zinc-lead-silver deposit located in north-west Queensland, Australia, and the Izok Corridor base metals project in Nunavut, north-west Canada.

We also have significant exploration and partnerships in Australia, Africa and the Americas.

At MMG we are committed to achieving long-term sustainable growth and shareholder value. We seek to align with international best practice in sustainability and, as an International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) member; we benchmark our performance against the sustainability criteria of the ICMM’s Sustainable Development Framework.


Proudly Supported By:

  • Veolia
  • Nubco
  • Cromarty
  • Lloyds North
Major Employment Group © 2013