big picture stories

David Beard

Posted: November 26, 2013


David Beard

It’s great  to see the passion and deep pride that is acknowledged in The Big Picture campaign by the staff of these companies that contribute so much to the Tasmanian economy. Many people don’t see the work that goes on quietly behind the scenes to drive State productivity and local success.

A big part of our business is providing services to Industrial Customers with most of the revenue pushed back into the local economy. Many of our staff are reliant on supplying services to these businesses for their job and we understand more than most  that the success of our business is reliant on the customers we serve being successful.

What a great initiative and thank you from myself and on behalf of the 300 employees of Veolia in the State for telling what is a great story and one we all must share in order for the wider Tasmanian community  to also be as proud as we are of doing business in Tasmania.